I Need To Toughen Up.
I'm sensitive about my baby and being a mom. I know people mean well when they say things, but sometimes, just sometimes, I look into what they say waaaay too much. Like Audrey's size for example. I KNOW it is not a big deal about how big she is. But it still gets to me when I hear "she is so little." Seriously, I know it is nothing. But I seem to get defensive and say "she is bigger than most babies her age." Then I feel stupid for getting defensive. Oh, and I hate getting asked questions like "so, is she crawling yet?" Again, I get defensive and answer "no, but she is scooting herself backwards." Again, completely silly. But that is how I am.
Comparison between babies is the worst. EVERY baby grows at a different pace. Just like how pregnancy is different for everyone and labor. But then why do so many people judge, ahem, I mean compare?
Okay, I better stop there. My rant is over. I am going to toughen up. I can take it.
P.S. I blame part of this rant on me going swimsuit shopping and only coming home with the realization that I MUST workout before purchasing one.
The Dreaded Purchase.
All that said, I am hoping tonight I can talk the husband in to going with me to look. He does not know this yet. If you have any suggestions on swimsuits, throw them my way.
You Capture: Family
Okay, back to the topic. This week's challenge was family. You would think with Memorial Weekend I would have snapped lots of family photos, but somehow I managed to get my picks from a softball game and an afternoon at Sonics [The place with the most delicious extra-long coney dogs. You know, I had one].
Shot #1- Audrey with her Grandpa. I love this shot because Audrey is mesmerized by his beard. She is so focused on it. I love how her lips are even curled in. This was taken at our weekly softball game we attend. It is quite the family event with my husband, brother, and dad that all play on the same team.
Shot #2-Audrey with her daddy. AKA- the most awesomeness husband, ever. You can't really tell, but Audrey fell asleep on him. I love it when that happens. I especially like how she is holding on to his shirt. Like, "don't leave daddy, I'm right here." And if you look closely, you can see the start of her rolls that continue down her legs. I just want to squeeze them and kiss them. Oh, wait, I do that.
These are the family moments I cherish. We aren't doing anything extravagant. Just enjoying life at the baseball fields or going to relax while slurping down an old-fashion root beer. We don't need much to make us happy. Just family. Really, that's all.
P.S. I just looked back at my post and realized part of Grandpa's head was cut out of the picture. Stupid layout must have done it. Sorry. The picture looks a lot better when you can actually see both Audrey and Grandpa's head.
You Capture: Sweet.
I also find my peony bush that just bloomed in my yard very, very sweet.
If you want to see more sweetness from others, go check it out here!
7 Months 7 Pictures.
Enjoy scrolling through the pictures while I go get myself a tissue. Taken on the 18th of each month for the last 7 months.
But I Want It.
- I am a coupon mom. I google EVERYTHING before I purchase it to see if there is a coupon or discount online for it.
- I cloth diaper.
- I make Audrey's baby food.
- I pack Andrew's lunch.
- I unplug everything if it is not in use. (coffee maker, ipod, computer, etc.)
- I shop garage sales, Goodwill. [Actually, I really enjoy doing this. I love when I find a steal.]
Now, don't get me wrong. I don't do all of those things all the time. But I do try my best.
Sometimes, though, I just need that Starbucks white chocolate mocha. Or most recently (and the whole reason why I wanted to write this post), I need to buy this beautiful, large 8x10 rug, to fit nicely in our front room. I have already come up with multiple reasons in my head why I need it. For example, our whole house is wood floors, and Audrey needs a more stable flooring to practice crawling and eventually walking. I even had a dream about the rug last night. Is that pathetic or what?
Fine. I will admit it. I don't need the rug. But I just want it. Badly. That's all.
Guess What.
BTW- My husband offered multiple times to hold Audrey during the game. My friends offered too. But I enjoyed having my partner in crime right next to me. AND I wanted to show that you can doing anything with a baby in a sling. Even play Guesstures. Which leads me on a tangent...(Get ready, it really is a tangent).
Since Audrey was born Andrew and I 'vowed' to not let our life stop just because we had a baby. Yeah, it has definitely changed. But we didn't want to be one of those couples that all life ends because of children. Sometimes we may have to leave a place a tad bit early or you may have to listen to a crying baby, or I may be nursing right next to you, but we will be there. Audrey has a bedtime, but is she asleep every night by 8:30? Ha, no. Not even close. In fact, right now, at this very moment (10:31pm to be exact) she is hanging out with her daddy, typing messages (aka-letters and numbers with lots of spaces in between) on Facebook. I guess my point is, with all of our non-parent friends, we just want to be an example that life does get better with kids. And life goes on. And you can still live it. That's all. Okay, done with tangent.
Strawberries and Cupcakes.
2) I went to Michael's today to find crafty things to do. And I walked away with lots of fun stuff for Audrey's birthday. [Wait, you ask, when is her birthday? Um, not for another 5 months. Is it wrong to start planning this early? Okay, don't answer that.] In the dollar section I found the perfect theme-- CUPCAKES! I got napkins, plates, stamps (so I can make the invitations), thank you cards, ribbon, and the most adorable favors. The cupcakes in the picture open up to stick fun favors in! I am getting giddy just looking at the picture.
Blogging Blues.
But then, I go and doubt myself again. Which is kind of weird for me. Because I do consider myself a rather confident person. I mean, coming from a family of six kids, you have to be able to stand your ground.
Really, I don't think I can just stop blogging. There are too many inspirational blogs out there for me to stop. I hope one day I can be inspiration too. Even if it is just to one person.
P.S. I am sure my feelings are partly due to the dreary, cold, rainy weather right now. I am one of those people who totally let the weather affect them.
Don't worry, we take all precautions at the University. [insert chuckle here]
P.S. Let's not forget that shadows are actually larger than the person. Ahem. Okay, that's all. Thanks.
While I am at it, let me share this photo. Just because it is cool. And I stumbled across it today too.
This was taken in the Sears Tower in Chicago- I mean, how cool is that?5.05.2009
Three Little Kittens.
Today she sported the "Palm Tree" clip. The hairclips were a success!