My very last pictures from 2012:
At a wedding on Saturday night.
Tea party afternoon on the last day of the year, complete with spring dresses.
This guy turned 8 months on the 28th, but I snapped this one yesterday.
NYE. We put the kiddos to bed early and hung out at home with a few friends over.
2012 was such an exciting year for us---we moved, had a baby {boy}, and went on our first big family vacation. It was wonderful, but I'm excited for this New Year, for a slower pace, and to just relish in the every day.
I do like to set goals for myself for the New Year. Sure, I'd like to be more organized, tone up my body, eat healthier, save more money. But ultimately, none of that matters in the end to me, my true desire is grow in my relationship with my Maker. To love Him well and His people. To make my goal more concrete, I'm starting to read She Reads Truth, an online daily devotion for women. I'm also going to start journaling while listening to the sermons at church--I tend to absorb more when I write stuff down and can revisit it. I'm also reading The Story, it's the Bible as one continuing story--this is not to replace the Bible or my daily Bible reading, but to just help me further understand it. Lastly, I want to read the Bible more in front of my children. I want them to see Christ through me. It helps me feel accountable if I share these things.
On a related note, I've heard the best news for the entire year. While eating lunch today, Audrey looks at me and says out of the blue "I believe in Jesus because I'm going to heaven. He is in my heart." I talked to her more about that and what it means. She's only 4, but she loves Jesus. I'm so excited to watch her blossom, to learn and grow. On Sunday, while driving home from church she said "Jesus is with me always. Even when you are not with me or daddy isn't with me, Jesus always is." She inspires me and challenges me and humbles me. Each of my children do. I'm so thankful I get to experience my children loving and learning about Jesus.