
dear lincoln. {you are one}

[I began the tradition of writing a letter to each of my children on their birthday.]

Dear Lincoln Wayne,

It's your birth date. One year ago exactly you came into this world--the doctor tried to tell you when to come, but even with being induced, you were coming on your own. The moment you entered this world, you brought me and your daddy so.much.joy. Being the third child, I can't ramble off your birth stats, I'd have to look them up if you asked. But you know what? My love for you is just as deep and wide as for your sisters. You see, being a boy, you are probably going to be judged a lot on your stats. How many goals you made. How many dunks you made. How far did you run. How many laps did you get in. I want you to know, I will never base my love for you on your stats. I don't even care if you have stats. My love for you is immeasurable. What I want you to know most and understand most is grace. That no matter what you do, my love for you, your daddy's love for you, and most importantly, God's love for you is never-ending or changing. Grace. Write that word on your heart.

We just finished up your first birthday party. Buster (that's what we call you), you are loved. Like, seriously, loved. I didn't do a head count (remember, stats aren't important), but there were so many at our home to celebrate you turning one. Being that your daddy loves having a boy and he's a crazy IU fan, we went with an IU Basketball themed party. We gave away IU cards autographed by you, in case you know, you become famous for being some big basketball player. The thing is, you may absolutely love basketball (you do love balls in general) or you may not. And that's okay. We want you do to what your heart desires with the gifts God gives you.

You got so tickled when we sung Happy Birthday to you. 

Cupcakes made like the shape of Indiana. Now that's some love. Your cake was made by your Aunt Allie and my good friend, Debbie. See how cool it is to be able to use the gifts God gives you to help and encourage others?!

Not only did we have your party today on your actual birth date, we also dedicated you to the Lord at church. Dedication is a fun day--lots of family come to church to see this event, you wore the sweetest little outfit that used to be your daddy's that your Great-Granny made. But those are just layers that can be stripped away, the core of us dedicating you to the Lord, is to do just that--we made a public commitment to raise you up in the admonition of God, we pray that one day you will have a personal relationship with Christ Jesus. And remember that word grace? We pray that you will truly understand it.

Lincoln, we love you so. We love how you let your sisters touch you and try to pick you up and pat you, and for the most part, you let them do that. I love how you try to make a car sound when you are playing with your toy truck. I love how you want to be outside all the time. I love how you say "a dog a dog a dog" over and over. I love how you snuggle. You were our first baby that actually liked to be rocked and it's the sweetest thing. I love how your favorite food is homemade calzones that we make every Friday night for family fun night. I love your dimpled smile and five tooth grin. I love you so and
I look forward to many many more "Dear Lincoln" letters to you, as we watch you grow.


Your Mama.



Christmas is my favorite holiday, except, now Easter may be. It's a toss up. I mean, both holidays celebrate the most important dates in our history. Christ's birth, death, and resurrection. And as my kiddos are getting older (still my babies at 2.5 and 4.5 and then there's Linc who is almost 1!) and I can do more crafts with them and reading the Bible, I'm really loving preparing all of our hearts for what we are celebrating--Jesus, our salvation, the {free} gift of grace.

This Easter we had our annual playgroup party on Friday. Then we hosted a dinner and egg hunt at our home on Saturday with Andrew's side, then Sunday after church, we had an egg hunt and dinner with my side. I've been reminded so much this weekend how blessed we are. And also how Jesus meets each and everyone of us where we are, no matter our walk and our struggles. {I am asking myself---am I loving those surrounding me where they are?}

Playgroup friends (Lincoln was in the Ergo during the picture, but he was there!) 
 girl cousins. 

iphone pics:

The girls dresses are from Adorn Me Girl online. {Let me warn you, the sweetest little girls and women's items!}