
Let's Just Be Honest.

I have decided to turn the hardly used guestroom into a craft/store baby toy's in room. Toys are taking over the front room very quickly. This includes a Galloping Horse (borrowed), an Exersaucer (given to us), a Learn and Play standing table (bought on sale), a kids Piano (borrowed), an a blanket with multiple little toys and a Boppy. Oh, and one of those wooden things that you find in doctors' offices with the beads on it [you know what I'm talking about, you played with one when you were little waiting for the dentist to call your name in hopes that he may forget because you were too scared to see him-or at least that was my story- I can still remember him talking in code about my teeth to his assistant as fast as his mouth would go]. All of those things are sitting right when you come in. I kind of want to change that. So, the guest bed is going downstairs. I mean, almost all of our guests like to sleep downstairs anyway. And I am hoping if I set up a nice craft area for me I will start making all the cool things that are stored up in my head right now. I really want to get my sewing machine out again.

So, here goes nothing. Here is my messy, messy guestroom. I am sharing this so it will hold me accountable for making it super cute when I am done rearranging everything! Oh, and I can't wait to get rid of that 13 in. TV that stands out like a sore thumb. And in case you are wondering, it DOES have a VCR attachment. That's right, I have had that since I was a junior in high school.
Somethings I do keep nice and polished. Like my almost 6 month old baby girl. I recently bought that flower at Hobby Lobby for $3 and attached it to her hat I got on sale for $3. Total cuteness=$6. Baby=priceless.

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