
Things are Just Beachy.

I can't believe it's over. Our week get-away to the ocean. I have so many beautiful memories from this past week. There is nothing like staying in a house with some of your closest friends. We call ourselves the Fab Five. Dorky, I know. But true. We have been close since Middle School and still going strong. I feel blessed to have such close girlfriends.

And I can't get over how much they loved on Audrey. In fact, everyone did while we were there. I had like 14 babysitters. It was kind of awesome. I was happy that Audrey was very social too. She enjoyed the attention. In fact, On Saturday I realized she popped a tooth and I didn't even notice during the week that she was teething.
I was afraid it wouldn't feel like a vacation since, well, my work (aka baby) comes with me. But it was a great vacation. My hubster helped out so much- let me sleep in, let me go to the beach while Audrey napped. I pretty much have the coolest husband. Ever.

The beach is the perfect setting for pictures. Boy, did we get some good ones...

The most important part of this vacation was of course, the wedding of Drew and Steph. All week it was a little overcast, but Friday, it was BEAUTIFUL. ALL DAY. Not too hot. Blue clear skies. And ohmygosh the ocean in the back drop as the bride walked down the aisle and Somewhere Over the Rainbow playing on the ukulele, I definitely teared up.
(My husband built the trellis. He is pretty much a rockstar. Oh, and I am the one second to last from the left.)

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