
It's October.

This month means a lot. It means my sweet baby girl turns ONE. It means we will no longer live in our first home and will be moving. It means my birthday. It means Halloween, and seeing Audrey dressed as the most adorable mermaid. Ever.

It also means Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

This picture was taken one month before my mom passed, in April 2006, I am on the right and one of my sisters is to the left of my mom.

It's been three years since my mom has passed away after a four year battle with Breast Cancer. It still seems surreal to me. I miss her dearly.

With three sisters, I am scared that Breast Cancer will one day re-enter our lives. But fortunately, we can do something about it. Early detection is key. My mom didn't think she would ever get it. She was never one to get sick. And she nursed six kids. Plus she was still young-diagnosed at only 44. But she got it. And she didn't realize she did until she had Stage 4. This past summer I had a scare myself. I found a lump in my breast and had to get a couple of tests ran. It ended up being a cyst, but I was so thankful I took the precautions I did. And will continue to do so.

It's important for us to support each other. Encourage. Remind. Don't be afraid to talk about boobs. There I wrote it. And that's okay. We need to talk about boobs when it comes to Awareness.

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