
Anxiously Waiting.

I heard donkeys at 6:00 this morning. And yesterday morning. And the day before that. Right outside our bedroom. Loud and clear. So loud that I get startled in the middle of the night and wake up and think we may be getting invaded by aliens. Then I remember. We aren't home. It's not our bedroom,but the bedroom we are staying in at my dad's house. That's right folks, we have mooooved. Sort of. Last Friday we closed on the sale of the house. It is such a relief to be done with that. As much as we will miss our first home, it feels good to move on. But now we are waiting till our new-old cute bungalow is ready to move in. We are SO close. All of our stuff is there. But we aren't. I'm trying to be patient. And grateful that we have a place to live right now. Despite the loud, obnoxious donkeys, staying at my dad's house hasn't been too bad. It isn't a far drive to our new home. I have a babysitter on hand pretty much all the time (aka my 13 year old sister). We have our own room and so does Audrey. Plus, it's nice for Audrey to spend lots of time with her Gramps. But I am definitely ready to have a home again.

I can't wait to put up pictures down the hallway. To smell the aroma of fresh coffee in the morning in my 1950's inspired kitchen. To give Audrey a bath in the new tub. To lay in bed with my husband and look up at our new ceiling fan.

I want to make it a home. A my-door-is-open-all-the-time type of home. A don't-worry-about-taking-off-your shoes type of home. A help-your-self-to-the-fridge type of home. A there-is-always-tea-in-the-kettle type of home. God blessed us with a home and I want to use it for His glory. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. What kind of home do I want to live in? How do I want others to view my home? It may not be a very big home and there may be messes around, but I want you to feel welcomed anytime.

Really. Come on over. Whenever you want. Our door is always open. [Well, not quite yet, but soon!]

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