
14 Months.

My sweet Audrey Rose, you are 14 months today. It is sort of hard to believe. You are such a little person. Each day you learn new words. You know, reallly important useful ones like mermaid, donkey, and football. One of your favorite words is baby. If there is a baby (real or fake) around you must touch her. You love to rock, pat, hug, and kiss your baby.

You know what I love most about your love for babies? It tells me you are going to be a wonderful mama one day. [Not too soon of course, I mean, like when you're 30. You are not allowed to grow up really fast like you have been doing. Slow down, would ya?] And it tells me you are going to be a very loving big sister one day. [No, this is not a hint that you are going to be one soon. Just sayin'.]

You received an early Christmas present from you Great-Granny and Popaw the other day. It was a baby, of course. You couldn't wait for me to get her out of the package.
Happy 14 months, my dear Audrey Rose.

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