
Who needs toys when you have a vacuum.

Audrey has an innate love for vacuums. Actually for anything that sweeps. Broom. Vacuum. Shop-Vac. It's oddly strange, but I kind of love it. If you ask her Do you want to vaccum? She gets so excited like you just shoved three suckers in her mouth.

Tonight while Andrew finished removing the remaining old floor in our kitchen, Audrey insisted on helping with clean up.
Then she had a good o'time with the Shop-Vac. I mean who doesn't love a loud obnoxious thing sucking at your shirt or finger or a lip in Audrey's case? 
 Naturally, I took a picture of Audrey with a dirty o'vacuum in her mouth. What kind of mother do you think I am? Ahem.


Take a Guess.

Can you guess what might be in this bag?

I'll tell you in a week. Stay tuned.


The Joys of Parenting.

One of my most favorite times of the day is when Audrey first wakes up. We hear her talking to herself and jumping up and down in her crib until daddy goes and gets her. Then I hear Mama from afar until it gets closer and closer. Mama Mama Mama. Then I see her smiling face and daddy lifts her up into bed with me, I get a quick hug and kiss and then she is ready to go. Down. No matter how tired I am in the morning, those moments are so precious to me. 

Then when we go to bed we are reminded of our morning snuggles when Andrew pulls back the covers and lays on a toy whisk.

These are the joys of parenting.


Monday Rambles.

1. I don't have the energy right now to do anything. I don't know why. Probably because I had the stomach flu yesterday. Actually it hit me in the middle of the night just like it did about two weeks ago. Why o'why does sickness hit me at 2 in the morning? It's bad enough I have to be sick and then it goes and steals my sleep.

2. I went to our local community center this morning with Audrey for some play time and they presented the parents with some information about healthy homes. Now I want to go and get rid of all my cleaning supplies and go back to the basics with vinegar and water and buy some Borax. That's my goal this week- to rid my house of harsh chemicals.

3. I want a haircut. Bad. I haven't had my hair professionally cut since last June. Instead I take the scissors to my hair occasionally when I'm feeling a tad bit crazy.

4. I don't like February and it's almost here. I think it's the worst month. It's still really cold and as a formal teacher, there were never any days off and I still think that way. BUT I am going to try to embrace February by making cute Valentine decorations to hang up. Of course, not today, because see point 1.

5. I haven't taken a picture of Audrey in over a week. This is a record for me.

6. Countertops were installed last week. I love my kitchen space. Now we just need to get the dishwasher and sink hooked up and I will feel like I am living the big life.

7. I just ate almost an entire container of blueberries dipped in whipped cream.

That's all I got.


This is what she was all about.

I found this postcard today.

It reads
Abra (darling), You were very sweet to come Sat. and clean and decorate for my birthday- you did WELL! I thank God for you. I have been blessed with sweet kids. I love the plate holder, always wanted one. Thanks honey. Love, Mom

September 18, 2001

I also found this one.

It reads
Abra Dear, I love you. Mssy nad you. Lydia

September 18, 2001 (from my little sister, who at the time was only 6)

This is what my mom was all about. Just a month before she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer she was mailing me postcards at my dorm and even had my little sister send me one. Even though, I still lived in the same town as her and probably saw her at least three times a week. That's just who she was. She loved to send hand-written notes.

I'm so thankful I had for 23 years of my life.

*You can click on the pictures and see them larger.


15 Months.

I have a lot of thoughts in my head right now. And in these moments I am glad I blog. I blog for myself. To clear my mind. It helps, you should try it (if you don't already).

I spent the weekend away from my husband and Audrey. Three nights, four days away. They were in Indiana while I was in Tennessee. I spent some amazing time with two of my closest girlfriends. We didn't take a whole lot of pictures, because we were too busy relaxing, eating, shopping, and doing some major bonding. Both of these girls have beautiful faith that I admire. I am so lucky to have these relationships. I don't ever want to take them for granted.

You know that saying absence makes the heart grow fonder? Oh my, it certainly does. This was my first time away from Audrey over night. I wasn't worried. She was with daddy. But it was still so hard. I think I called at least five times a day and texted way too many times. I even requested a picture text. It helped. (Although, it didn't help to see the bruise she got between her eyes after tripping over a rug). One thing that will stick with me is when I called Andrew and he said we just got done having a tea party. My husband had a tea party with our little girl. I dreamed of moments like that. And now those moments are here. I also could hear in his voice how much he loved spending time with her. One-on-one time. She was amazing for him. [So amazing, I am sort of jealous how well she did with him. Slept wonderfully (Without a paci. She is officially weaned.) Played well. Ate well]. I made it until Sunday evening before I cried. They were love tears.

When I came home it was like I never left. She hugged me and kissed me and showed me all her toys like she normally does. It felt so right to be home. On top of it all, Audrey turned 15 months today. She requests to nap by saying "nigh nigh."  She loves to make monkey and elephant noises. She pretends to bake in her kitchen. She can recognize the IU symbol and say "babitball" or the Colts symbol and say "bootball." And most recently learned "gof" tonight while at Dick's Sporting Goods. She says "bubbles" while in the bath but hates it when they get all over her hand. She reminds us that we need to brush her teeth after bath by saying "eeth. eeth." Her strong-willled, independent personality is coming through (which I insist comes straight from her dad, ahem). We have a 15 month old and I can't hardly believe it.


Real Life.

This is what an evening looks like in my (unfinished) kitchen.


I seemed to have misplaced my mind. Would you mind helping me find it?

I haven't been able to find my thoughts lately. At least cohesively. I have been doing things and thinking things like this:

  • Woke up in the middle of the night last night and thought I didn't think Victoria Beckham ever smiled. But she did do it a couple of times on American Idol. Then I got frusterated for waking up and thinking that. My sleep is way to precious to be thinking of Mrs. Beckham.
  • I was in the shower the other evening. Actually at 11:45pm to be exact. And instead of enjoying the peace and quiet and alone time, I started reciting books I have been reading to Audrey in my head. The moon is up. It's getting late. Let's get ready to celebrate. It's pajama time. or Panda Bear Panda Bear what do you hear? I hear a lion roaring in my ear. or A is for apple that I like to bite. B is for bear that I cuddle at night. You get the point.
  • While taking my first dance/exercise class on Monday night, called Zumba, we did this move that made me think about my honeymoon in Jamaica. Then instead of paying attention to the instructor, I was trying to come up with a plan to get us back to Jamaica so we could win the dance competition again. [Oh yeah, that's right. Both the hubster and I won were crowned Reggae king and queen. What, what.]
On top of all this randomness, we have taken Audrey's paci away this week. We tried it last week and as you can see, we are champion parents, so we are trying it again. I am also trying to get her down to one nap. Without a paci, she won't go to sleep as easy, so two naps is nearly impossible. She is doing okay with the whole thing, it just takes a lot of patience right now on our part.

And another thing. I am going to Tennessee this weekend for a little girls' weekend. Without Audrey. It will be my first time away from her overnight. I know she's ready, I just don't know if I am. But she will be in the best of hands (her daddy's) and it will be so nice to spend some quality time with some of my closest friends.

I'm off to take a shower. At 2:50 in the afternoon. Gotta squeeze it in somewhere. And probably recite a bunch of more books. Maybe I will turn them into songs.


Come On Get Higher

Did my post title remind of you of anything? And no, not an old hippie. I was thinking about that song Come On Get Higher by Matt Nathanson, which I happen to like a lot.

Of course, this post has nothing to do with Matt, or an old hippie for that matter. But it has everything to do with my sweet Audrey Rose.

She has become quite the climber. Not so much on tables (thank goodness) or even stairs (only every now and then), but she loves to climb on her chairs. One of which is her little rocking chair that was her daddy's when he was little. *tear

She's such a big girl now. I can't even stand it.

And this my friends, might happen 3-4 times in a row at least 3-4 times a day.

Oh, and notice the necklace. She picks one out each day to wear. She's a girl after my own heart. What can I say.

Gah. I love her.


Don't touch the yellow stuff.

We finally got a real good snow fall yesterday. A blanket of white is everywhere. It's beautiful. And it's peaceful. And it's a good excuse to stay in your pajamas all day. Not that I would do such a thing. Ahem.

We bundled Audrey up and out she went to experience snow for the first time. We whipped out a piece of cardboard and towed Audrey around in our front yard. Don't you wish we were your neighbor? I can't help it that we are ghetto cool like that.


Happy 9 Years, 3 Days Late.

That's what my husband told me this morning when he first woke up. Actually, he said "Happy 9 years, 4 days late." But that's a tad bit off. We started dating on January 4, 2001. [Yes, that's right we STILL acknowledge our dating anniversary. And by acknowledge, I mean, wish each other 'happy anniversary' late and do nothing for it.] And we haven't looked back since. We have been together for 9 years straight (married 4.5). He even went to my high school senior prom with me. And honestly, each day with him keeps getting better.  

This picture was taken on my 21st birthday, back in October 2003. I don't have a picture that dates back to 2001 on this computer and I don't feel like getting my zip drive out so the earliest you get is 2003. We were such youngins. And my husband has long hair. He hasn't had that long of hair since. Weird.


So far. So good.

This year has already been so busy and we are only on day 4. I went to my first ever auction. You can read about it here (Where I started yet ANOTHER blog. Will I be able to keep them both going? Hopefully. Both separate? Maybe. Both sane? Probably not. ) I also have been busy taking my dirty dishes to my dad's house to wash there because we still do not have a kitchen sink. [Which I forgot to pick up my clean dishes today and now my husband is making us hot chocolate by heating up water in a measuring cup. Yes, we are that desperate and pathetic.] I have also been sewing more and creating. But the most fun thing I have done so far this year? Playing with my adorable toddler. She actually plays now. We chase each other and laugh. Take turns putting animals in the barn. I watch her climb on her little chair in her room over and over and over again, with an occasional you better sit down or you may get hurt. We read books and she makes the animal sounds. She is repeating so many words right now. I love hearing her little voice. [Even when it's screaming and throwing a toddler tantrum.] I can already tell, this year is going to be good.

So what have YOU been up to this year so far?


First Photo.

12:19 a.m. First Photo of 2010
(my husband and I are on the far left, btw- you can click on the photo to see it larger, if you dare)

To ring in the New Year we spent a lovely evening playing lots of games and drinking margaritas with some of our closest friends. We laughed and laughed. It felt good. We haven't done something like that in a long time. Audrey was asleep by 8 and her Gamma was at our home with her.

I can't say it enough, we are so blessed. 

Happy New Year's to you!