
tinkle tinkle wittle star, now i know my abc's.

Audrey loves, loves to sing her ABC's. Except it's her own version. [Note to self: GET IT ON VIDEO.] And it usually goes something like this:

a-b-c-d-e-f-g now I know my abc's

tinkle tinkle wittle star, now I know my abc's


Jon-e, Jon-e, Jon-e, now I know my abc's (her cousin's name is Jonathan or Jon-e and she loves him dearly, she also will plug in any words at the beginning and make a song out of it)


hmm hmm hmmm, hmmm hmmm hmmm (this is her humming to the tune of it. all.the.time)


a-b-c-d-e-f-g hmmm hmmm m-o-p, s-t- now I know my abc's (this is her latest from yesterday)

You get the idea, right?

Anyway, due to her love for the song, I wanted an ABC poster to put up in her room. Except I didn't want a really corny one. And I searched Etsy for one, which I found some awesome picks, but I didn't want to spend a lot on it.

So, using these supplies: (Which cost me a total of $7 from Michael's Craft Store. The canvas was 50% off and I bought the stencil for around $2. I already had the paints.)

Last night I painted this for her room to hang right next to her chalkboard wall I painted a couple of weeks ago:

It's not perfect. But I'm happy with how it turned out. (Note: The yellow and blue and brown in the picture really aren't that contrasting, but the picture makes it out to be. It's looks a lot better in person. Oh well.)

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