

  • It's been four days now since our family became four. And I can't believe how natural it feels.
  • I'm more confident this time around and much more relaxed. I'm so thankful we were able to come home early from the hospital and that Naomi didn't have spend any time hooked up to monitors or making a trip to Riley Hospital like we did with Audrey at this point.
  • We have already made it out of the house twice. Once to the park yesterday and once to the Farmer's Market today.
  • So thankful for the meals that have been made for us. I seriously think this is one of the best things a new mom can get.
  • I totally teared up when Audrey met Naomi for the first time. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.
  • Audrey is so gentle and sweet with her. Loves to hug, kiss, and hold her, but not overbearing (yet).
  • The hardest part of having a newborn right now hasn't been actually having a newborn, it's been Audrey acting out from all the change. Our little (almost) two-year-old has managed to learn to open all the doors in the house in the last two days and has decided to come out during naptime on her own with only an hour nap (she almost always takes a two hour one). She also has had a harder time going to sleep. Usually she is a great sleeper/napper.
  • And ohmygosh, have I mentioned how big Audrey is now? I swear, she grew overnight. I look at her and think where did my baby go? And also? My love for Audrey grew like crazy.
  • I'm bias, but I pretty much think I have the cutest newborn, eva.

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