I'm sitting here eating not one, but two cookies that we decorated this morning and drinking a glass of milk. Both girls are napping (ah, bliss). I have two loads of laundry that need folded, three skirts that are half done, a dishwasher to unload, and numerous things to put away. But, you know what, I think I'm calling it a day.
Because this morning. This is what happened at our house.
We had 13 kids three and under at our house for a Valentine's Day party. There were six moms, two of which are expecting. We decorated baggies, passed out Valentine's, decorated cookies, ate heart shape jello's and heart shape pbj's. There was laughing, playing, and even some crying. But we all had a good time. I'm so thankful I have a close group of young mamas to share these times with.
For the rest of the day, I plan on relaxing. The hubster said he is going to try to come home early today. (And if you know him, that will be a miracle. He usually works really late. Everyday.) He made dinner reservations somewhere, but we aren't sure if we are going to use them or not with the two kiddos around. So we will see. I will be just as happy staying in with my little family. (And watching The Bachelor, which I'm ashamed to admit.)
What is your Valentine's Day looking like?
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