
so much good.

It's nearly seven on Sunday evening, not a typical blog moment for me. But I was in the middle of washing some pans that had been sitting in my sink since yesterday. I looked out my kitchen window and felt so much peace. That feeling was needed. These last few months have been an adjustment for us-- new house, new baby, added job responsibilities. But right now. I feel peace. And I'm so thankful for that.

This weekend was refreshing. Busy, as usual, but a sense of renewal came over me. I think that comes with the change in season. I'm shedding some colors and tenderness, just as the leaves are. I love how God made the seasons for that, a gentle reminder that time is ever moving and this too shall pass, both good and hard. That's kind of my life motto. Yeah, I think so.

Back to the weekend. I wanted to quickly come and jot down all the good from the weekend. I didn't take hardly any pictures. But sometimes words can be so much more powerful than a picture. {And sometimes a picture can speak a thousand words.}

My favorite moments from the weekend include:

*Last minute girls night on Friday night, which include creme brûlée and a glass of Moscato. And good laughs. Laughter is such a beautiful gift from God.
*A very early Saturday morning fire in our fireplace. {I dreamt of having a fireplace for so long.}
*Our trip to the Farmer's Market. Which happens nearly every weekend. I'm certain the girls and Linc are going to have that as one of their favorite childhood memories.
*Our walk from the market to Wonderlab, a local hands-on science museum. My roots lie in this town and when we take that walk, I think about how thankful I am to be raised here and now get to raise my own kids here.
*Celebrating one of my best friend's upcoming baby. I was the first of my five best friends to have children, and one just joined mamahood six weeks ago and her sister will join it in just two months. Mamahood is a bond that cannot be broken.
*Audrey asking me if she can dress up at her friends house. Audrey-- "MOM! Can I please dress up?" Me-- "If your other friends are, you can." Audrey-- "They are! The fashion show is about to begin!" Me-- "Well, you better hurry then!"
*An epic nap with Lincoln this afternoon, his sweet little body conformed to mine.
*Asking Naomi how old she is going to be and she responds with "four." Because that's how old Audrey will be, she wants to be big so badly just like her sister. Their relationship is in full bloom right now and I love it.

So tell me, what was your favorite moment from the weekend?

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