I like Halloween and not just because, ahem, my birthday comes the day before. But I think Halloween is a time for children (and adults) to imagine and dream and become. I've been asked are you going to let Audrey dress up for Halloween? Or (gasp) think there is a Santa? Yes. and Yes. I believe in imagination and dreaming and having fun. And that is just what I am going to make it. And I think this year was a success at that. I had fun dreaming and believing and pretending with Audrey.
A Mermaid with a Sucker is the Cutest Thing Ever.
I like Halloween and not just because, ahem, my birthday comes the day before. But I think Halloween is a time for children (and adults) to imagine and dream and become. I've been asked are you going to let Audrey dress up for Halloween? Or (gasp) think there is a Santa? Yes. and Yes. I believe in imagination and dreaming and having fun. And that is just what I am going to make it. And I think this year was a success at that. I had fun dreaming and believing and pretending with Audrey.
[I don't have a good transition to my next thought, so I just used those dots. Oh well. It's my birthday. I can do what I want.]
I'm at my dad's house typing this. I just looked up and saw my senior pictures on his buffet. And these are my thoughts...
1) Has it really been 10 years since then? I was a baby. Yet I thought I controlled the world then. Ha. Teenagers are so humorous and naive. I am so glad I am not one anymore.
2) Give dad updated pictures so he doesn't have to relentlessly display my corny senior pictures with the corny label in the corner that every senior had to get or you just weren't cool and cost ridiculously a lot.
3) The jean jacket I am wearing in the picture is still in my closest today. One of the best 50 bucks I have ever spent at Gap. Go me.
4) Senior pictures are so overrated.
Okay. Now that I have all of that off my chest I can enjoy the rest of my day. I'm off to close on our selling of our first home. Then to dinner with my family. A fall festival after that where Audrey gets to wear her mermaid costume. And hopefully picking my new birthday present from the best husband ever (will share later).
Birth days are awesome.
I Wonder How Many Adults Still Dress Up For Halloween.
2005 was our first annual Halloween party. We actually didn't have a theme, so we went as ahem, Jed Clampett and Elly May Clampett. Ever since I married into the "Clampitt" family, I had to take on the jokes. So, for Halloween we decided to embrace the jokes and go as the "Clampet's."
So, do you dress up for Halloween? What has been your favorite costume of the past?
5 Days After.
5 days old.
You can read about her story here. And here. And here. It's my old blog. But I will cherish those words forever.
A Pumpkin for you A Pumpkin for me.
Audrey and her cousin Jonathan enjoyed smacking, attempting to pick up, and rolling the pumpkins. It was nearly impossible to get a good picture of them two together. Two toddlers=one always on the move.
After spending about 45 minutes there, I walked away with only spending 26 cents. And it was well worth it. Audrey did not put down her apple until it was gone.
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O-N-E Amazing Party.
She's One Today.
Happy first birthday, my dear Audrey Rose.
Our first family picture together. (p.s. this was at 1:47am. After working a full day as a kindergarten teacher and giving birth. Focus on the baby in the picture, not my overall ahem, awesomeness)
Almost A Year Ago.
It was a Thursday I went to the doctor for my weekly check-up. I had been having some major cramping and even threw up the previous weekend. Oh and you know. Other very obvious signs that labor could happen sooner than later. [See aren't I nice? I do leave out some information.] I asked the doctor "So what do you think? Will labor be soon? I feel like it will be." And her response "Sorry, you bought yourself at least another week."
That Friday I went into labor. She was wrong. I was right. (Even though I told myself at the time the doctor was right. But I knew. I just knew.)
Audrey was born Saturday morning. Almost a year ago.
I can't wait to celebrate her birthday on Sunday.
I'm Here.
We are making so much progress on the house. It makes me giddy. Just look at the kitchen...
In the kitchen alone this is what we have done:
- removed old cabinets/countertops/nasty stove/multiple layers of flooring
- replaced drywall that was bad
- replaced all electrical with new wiring and boxes
- remudded the ceiling and painted
- primed and painted all trim and walls
- installed new cabinets
What we have left to do:
- refinish existing windows (there are 5 super cute original windows in the kitchen)
- replace one window
- replace back door
- install butcher block countertop
- add switches to eletrical boxes
- install floor and new trim
And that's just one room. I can't wait to share the progress on the other rooms!
It's All Good.
Hidden Treasure.
When Did This Happen.
Every time I blink you grow stronger, more beautiful, and more sweeter.
It's October.
It also means Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
This picture was taken one month before my mom passed, in April 2006, I am on the right and one of my sisters is to the left of my mom.
It's been three years since my mom has passed away after a four year battle with Breast Cancer. It still seems surreal to me. I miss her dearly.
With three sisters, I am scared that Breast Cancer will one day re-enter our lives. But fortunately, we can do something about it. Early detection is key. My mom didn't think she would ever get it. She was never one to get sick. And she nursed six kids. Plus she was still young-diagnosed at only 44. But she got it. And she didn't realize she did until she had Stage 4. This past summer I had a scare myself. I found a lump in my breast and had to get a couple of tests ran. It ended up being a cyst, but I was so thankful I took the precautions I did. And will continue to do so.
It's important for us to support each other. Encourage. Remind. Don't be afraid to talk about boobs. There I wrote it. And that's okay. We need to talk about boobs when it comes to Awareness.