
the little things.

It would be totally sweet if we went on a big vacation this year. Or moved to a bigger house. Or went on a shopping spree. [None of these are in the plan. Or even close to it.]

But it's not going to make my year the best year ever. Or be what I want to remember the most.

It's the little moments that I really want to remember.

Like burning a new candle after a clean kitchen. Wearing pink gloves to make scrubbing the toilet a tad bit more doable. Baking rice krispie treats to send to a friend in need. Making a delicious snack with honey and almond butter on a bagel and putting it on my favorite plate.

Or watching with amazement at Audrey's imagination as she plays with her Dora and Diego figures. Or seeing how Naomi gets so tickled when we talk to her that she closes her eyes.

These are the moments that are going down in my forever book.

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