
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Audrey is a lot like me. In some ways I'm so excited to see her ways blossom and in other ways I'm like Oh my gosh, she is me. For real, this is going to be tough. [Related Note: Type A, Extrovert.]

Since the day she was born she has made her ways known to the world the way she wants things. She is picky about her sleep (me too), has an opinion about everything, but she also is so very polite and has a heart for others, wants to make sure they are okay, and just dotes on her sister. She loves to help me in the kitchen and carried a baby around since she was 10 months old, and gave it up when baby sister came into the world. She has a beautiful motherly instinct even at the age of 2.

And most recently I'm seeing her love for art and to create. One thing, I'm so excited that she gets from me. She will ask to paint/draw/color/stamp/cut/glue. Then she will sit and just be so focused on what she is making, for 45 minutes or so. Moving from one medium to the next. [Also, she stays incredibly clean most of the time. I have no idea how.]

This, I love.

And Naomi, she favors her daddy's personality. Laid back and so super smiley. She melts my heart. I love watching her personality unfold.

It's true, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And thank goodness, we will take the hard with the the good. The real good.

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