
small style.

I'm so excited that Morgan over at Mama Loves Papa started an every week link up with Small Style, where we get to share what our babies are sportin'. [Brilliant idea, yes?]

I decided I'm going to start small and just share one day of the week of what my kiddos wear. Sometimes I think about what I want to put on them and other days they may stay in pj's all day or just get a quick onsie on.

Here's Naomi's outfit (she is almost five months, gah.)

Sweater- thrifted
Bird Onsie- Old Navy
Pants- Lullaby Club, second hand child's store
Socks- Trumpette
Headband- Me

This outfit lasted a whole 1.5 hours before she had a major blow-out. Moral of the story, white clothes do not go well with babies. No matter how cute they look.

Here's Audrey's outfit (almost 2.5 years)

Sweater-hand-crocheted by my best friend's mom (How amazing is that?!)
Pink Undershirt-Old Navy
Jeggings- Target
Shoes- Old Navy
Headband- Me

You will notice I do a lot of Target and Old Navy. I'm normal and cheap, but then like to mix it up with a unique piece.

Every Thursday I will be linking up with Morgan for Small Style.

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