
small style {sisters}.

Have I mentioned how much I love having two girls? Their interaction right now melts.me.to.pieces. They are sisters. I love that. Naomi just laughs at her and takes all the headlocks hugs she gets from her big sister with stride and usually a giant smile. And they are fun to dress together and coordinate (but not matchy, matchy).

Naomi is wearing:

Red Peasant Top and Grey Shorts: Right Bank Babies, bought when Zulily was featuring the brand
Baby Leggings: Target
Shoes: Robeez
Hairclip: Me

Audrey is wearing:

Checkered Top: Right Bank Babies (I love the buttons up the back and the cropped style.)
Capri Jeans: Old Navy
Shoes: Nina, 6pm.com
Hairclip: Me

I've noticed that I have been doing so much more online shopping with two kids. It's just easier and I can usually find better deals. Great quality brands, for reasonable prices when you find the right site to buy from. Of course, Old Navy and Target still get me with the sale racks. Do you like to shop online?

I'm linking up with Morgan over at Mama Loves Papa for Small Style Thursday, go and say hi!

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