
the porch.

You know those old ladies that sit on their front porch, watching every pedestrian that walks by, waiting for you to make eye contact and wave so they can tell you hello and possibly their life story? Or maybe they are sitting there knitting. Or drinking a glass of sweet tea. Or their nose in the latest Reader's Digest. Then you look over and see their husband sitting in the garage in an old nylon metal chair with the door wide open, doing well, nothing. Just enjoying life.

Well, that's so going to be me and my husband in about forty years. I know this because, today, we spent seven hours straight on a front porch and it was probably one of my favorite days in a long time. We sat and talked with family. Drank Ginger Ale. Smoked a cigar. [Not me. The husband. Ewww.] Watched the children pretend that sticks were magic wands and pinecones were cherry pie ice cream cones.

The Porch (My aunt and uncle's vacation home, that they graciously share with family.)

The only other picture I took was of Naomi napping. But how could not share a picture of a sweet baby sound asleep?

Tomorrow we have plans to go to the drive-in (without kiddos). I'm so excited. And clearly I was born in the wrong era, front porch sitting and drive-in going--that's my idea of a good weekend. Hmmmm.

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