

I'm a sucker for holidays. I know some people think Valentine's Day is silly. But I love any excuse to decorate, throw a little party, and eat a cupcake. Plus, it's a like a built-in-must-go-on-a-date day. I'll take it. This morning we started out with pink heart shape pancakes. Lunch included a heart shape sandwich and then before nap we had a tea party in our living room and watched Alice in Wonderland. I bought the girls a couple of small gifts and put them in their stockings to open when they woke up. Yup, in their Christmas stockings. Ha. In January I ordered some custom Christmas stockings via My Cherry Tree on Etsy. They are so stinking adorable, and when I posted a picture on Facebook of them, someone suggested using them on Valentine's Day. Genius, they aren't traditional Christmas colors and even have hearts on them!

See, aren't they so cute? Works for Christmas and Valentine's!

My "mantle." I have been packing up a lot of things in the house, but I couldn't take down these decorations quite yet. 

After a homemade dinner at home, the hubs and I hit the movies. We did the most cliche thing--saw The Vow. Another thing I'm a sucker for, hopeless romantic movies. And I may or may not have gotten teary-eyed during the preview for The Titantic. Not even kidding. When the song "My Heart Will Go On" started to play I went straight back to sophomore year in high school. I'm blaming it on the pregnancy hormones, though. Speaking of pregnancy, I've entered my third trimester. You guys, I'm only three months away from my due date! 

[Blog note: Andrew took action today and sent my DSLR in to get repaired. I told him I wasn't blogging because I didn't have my real camera and he said he was tired of checking everyday and not seeing a new post. How cute is that?! Yay for a fixed camera soon!]

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