
first day.

Look how big she is!!

She's only going two mornings a week. But we made a big deal out of it--she picked out a backpack and lunch bag, princess no less. I made her a cute-healthy lunch. And now I've been eyeing all these fun Bento pieces that I want to buy. If you do Bento, let me know what you recommend most! Surprisingly, there were no tears by any of us. Her teacher said she did wonderful and couldn't believe that was the first time for me leaving her. I'm pretty sure she was sold on preschool when she walked in and immediately found a snow white dress to put on. She came home with a rainbow she colored and her own name written on it. I about died from the cute.

Saying goodbye to Audrey to attend preschool wasn't hard, but leaving my three month old for a half a day was. Naomi and Lincoln will also be going the same mornings as Audrey. I'm working a bit more, so we needed some scheduled care. Naomi spent the morning with her Gamma, but Thursday she will join her siblings. I had a great report on Lincoln--he slept and ate well. When we got home, I made sure to nap right next to mister. I missed his sweet baby smell.

Naomi was so excited to see her sister again. These two are becoming quite the pair.

I'm glad the first day went so well, it makes this transition slightly a bit easier. I'm thankful for my job and for finding a great place to care for my littles. I'm thankful that I can mostly work from home, but still get some quiet, needed work time in at the office. This is a new chapter in our family book, and I'm excited for it. It's going to make me appreciate our time at home that much more. 


where i've been {lately}.

Warning: this post is filled with randomness. It's time for me to release all the stuff cluttering my brain. We are only a week into August and all of this has happened already...

Let's start with a picture, shall we?

We hit up the fair last week. I remember when we first took only Audrey and here we are bringing three kiddos now. Oh, and that picture of those two holding hands? For the most part, they really are that sweet with each other. I'm so happy they have each other. 

Besides the fair, life has been, well, just crazy-great-oh-my-gosh-busy. We hosted a housewarming party last weekend. Every single time we drive into our neighborhood I seriously breathe a sigh of relief. I'm so thankful we are here. 

I've started seriously working out again and eating better. I'm ready to make a commitment to it. I want to be healthy for me and my family. What I do, sets the example for my kids, I want them to know we should take care of the body God gave us. This boot camp (which I scored through a Groupon!) is awesome. Totally intense and awesome. It's only a five week course, but I'm learning so many great exercises I can implement at home (and I already have!). 

August has also brought more working hours for me. Previously, I worked at my church (as the Director of Elementary Programs) about 10 or so hours a week, well that just doubled. I'm so excited about it. I'm thankful that I can work mostly from home and be apart of such an awesome body of believers. I get to use my degree too! Now it's just finding the balance. For the first time ever as parents, we had to hire a babysitter to come to our house a couple times of week so I can get fixed hours in. So far, it seems to be going well. 

This month Audrey is beginning a real dance class. I say real, because she took a class before, but it was with friends at a friend's home. Which was a great introduction for her, but now she is so so excited to be in a class for dance and gymnastics. We went to an orientation class this past Monday and she just smiled and listened so well the entire time. Preschool begins for her too! She will be going two mornings a week (while I'm at work). Girlfriend is growing up. 

We got a kitty last week. And let me tell you, it is the sweetest thing ever how Audrey just adores it. And this kitty, which Audrey named Millie, is such a good sport. She even tolerates getting doll clothes put on her and getting pushed around in a stroller. I'm not even kidding. However, she isn't fond of Naomi trying to pick her up by the tail. Ahem. 

We transitioned Naomi to a toddler bed. She has been doing really well, especially considering the girls share a room. I think there has been one night I had to remind them to stay in their beds. They like to talk to each other before bed too, which is so funny because it usually ends with Audrey whispering but in a loud whisper "go to bed, Nae Nae! Shhh!" Audrey our rule-follower, Naomi our mischief. 

I think that catches me up for August. Let's end with a picture too, shall we? 

I love that I was able to wear Naomi (21months) and Lincoln (3 months) at the fair.

P.S. New header coming soon!