

We enjoyed a really quiet morning with just the five of us. Andrew spent the entire morning with me in the kitchen. This was a Christmas miracle, that I hope continues. He made an amazing turkey. And a sugar cream pie. And deviled eggs. Oh yes he did. [This man did not know how to make a grilled cheese a month ago, not even kidding.] In fact, at 10pm last night he was watching youtube videos on how to brine a turkey. He may have also held the turkey up and flapped it's wings and clucked like a chicken. Maybe.

Around noon my family and Andrew's family began to show up. Even with a house of 20 plus people it was really relaxing. I kept looking around and taking it all in, it was our first Christmas in our new home and it felt just right, like it always has. 

A wise friend of mine had a Facebook status yesterday that reminded us {me} to not get caught up in the "making it all perfect" attitude and just to enjoy, especially your wee little ones. She signed it- reformed Type A. That status really spoke to me, and I made sure to do just that. Enjoy the mess. The chaos. The love. 

Lincoln's first Christmas and he received one gift from us- a dump truck. I love how much he loves it. 

We are expecting a blizzard tonight, so they say. Which means I'm expecting our front hill to be filled with neighborhood kids tomorrow. I can't wait. 

I hope you all had the merriest of merry Christmas. 

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