
get your bowl on.

I'm not the best bowler. My goal is usually to break 100. Tonight we went and I won't even share my score, because, yeah, I didn't even come close to 100. I told Andrew I blamed it on my equilibrium being off because I have a bad head cold. I also said I've had a baby between now and the last time I bowled, so that could also be the problem. Both of those sounded like legit answers, right?

None the less, we had a good ol' time.

Do you see those two teeth?! They made their first appearance last week!

Audrey with my sister, who looks crazy like me here.

Lincoln and his Gramps. 

Cheering on my home girl!

Afterwards we came to our house for taco making. My favorite moment? Reading The Gingerbread Girl in front of the fireplace with all the little ones listening. 

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