I just finished reading some stories to Naomi before she went off into dreamland. Once she closed her eyes, I closed the book because I thought she was asleep. Except she gently awoke and asked for me to keep reading. She didn't need to see me or the book, my voice was enough to comfort her to sleep. Today she requested multiple times for me to sing songs to her while her eyes were closed.
She just wanted to hear my voice. She had faith that was I there without seeing me. As I was reading to her with her eyes closed, I couldn't help but think that is exactly how Jesus is with me right now. I can't see him, but his voice, his presence is here.
"Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed," he said. "Peace. Be strong now; be strong." When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said "Speak, my Lord, since you have given me strength." Daniel 10:19
Tomorrow marks our one week, just one week since our world seemed to be crashing down; when we were first told of the word tumor, mass, cancer, Neuroblastoma. In our two year old. Yet, I have never, ever in my life been at such peace. We are at the feet of Jesus, on our knees, and he is comforting us and glory is given to Him.
Tomorrow we find out more about the stage of the cancer and whether it was found in her bone marrow. Friday she will receive an MIBG, a scan that will tell us if there are hidden spots of cancer in her body.
But that is tomorrow. Tonight we rest and praise God for all the beauty we found today. The gorgeous weather-getting to eat lunch outside while Naomi rested in her room, how well she is eating and drinking, going potty, interacting, and having pain control. Sweet families and friends that came to visited, handed us blessings left and right.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34
Tonight I'm going to close my eyes and listen to Jesus speak to me to take me off into dreamland until I wake to praise Him again.
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
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