I'm an attached parent. And I don't mean attachment parenting. I may or may not have breastfed, cloth diapered, co-slept, did baby-led weaning. It doesn't matter. What I mean is I'm attached to my children. I've always had a difficult time being away from them for a long period of time, not because I didn't think the person watching them would do a fabulous job, but because I always missed them. And I'm the mom, I know them best. I can respond to their every need before they even speak it, because I know them. Right? I've been one to implement routine and guard naptime like my life depended on it. Because, let's be honest, my life does depend on naptime. That is when I regain my sanity.
But God has called Andrew and I to give our children over to Him. To trust Him and know that He is God. It's hard. I'm not going to lie. One day I go from meeting my children's every need and priding myself on it. To humbling accepting many others to hold my babies. To rock them to sleep. To pack their lunches. To give them baths. To kiss their boo-boos when they fall. To take them for walks. You see, I'm thankful that God has revealed my pride and has shown me the beauty of others comforting and helping us.
It takes a village to raise a child.
This new journey of others entering our lives to tend to our children is just one of the many examples of how God has demonstrated to us that He will never leave us or forsake us.
He also tells us to ask and you shall receive. Except, whoa, we haven't even had to ask for anything because beauty is pouring in. Bags of gatorade on our front door step from who knows. Giftcards slipped into our hands at church. Cards with encouragement and more giftcards. Dinners. Messages of fundraisers. We will not have to tend to our yard or house while we go through this. You guys. God loves His children. The words thank you seem so insufficient to the what we have already so graciously received.
This enemy, this cancer, is no match for God. We are claiming and believing that "The Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect us from the evil one." Thessalonians 3:3
I'm not questioning why this is happening to us. Which I can hardly believe, because that question seems to be what would be expected. God has already revealed to us why He chose us. To bring Him glory. For our faith to be strengthened.
God chose this journey for my family. I just know mountains are going to be moved. Thank you for coming along side us and bearing this journey with us.
This Mother's Day is going down in history as my favorite. We were able to be home and go to church and worship together. So thankful. Except poor Linc, he isn't feeling well, which you can tell by his sad little face.
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