
Jesus Rocks.

Yesterday morning I woke up and wanted to go directly back to bed. Hello, cold, cloudy, rainy, dreary day. You make me want to sleep all. day. long. [With a baby, that is never an option, but I can still dream.]

Noon. Yup, still miserable outside.

4:30pm. Um, hello, sunshine, where did you come from? [Note: Prior to this time I was saying little prayers throughout the day for it to miraculously change and become nice out due to the fact we wanted to go out on the boat.]

5pm. On the boat. Enjoying the evening. Jesus, you, rock. Thanks.
[Audrey loves the boat, she always falls asleep on the ride.]

7:00pm. Stranded on the lake. Boat does not start. Lovely.

7:30pm Sailor comes to save us. Seriously, there was no one on the lake, and all of a sudden a sailboat comes gracefully along and offers to tow us. He probably felt sorry for us- he saw my husband paddling our boat with a very wimpy oar and my dad paddling with a ski. It was quite the view. And we weren't getting anywhere fast.

8:15pm Safely to shore. Baby was very good. The weather was good. And once again, Jesus, you, rock. Thanks!

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