
This is the Life.

One of my all-time favorite things to do: be on the water. There is something so incredibly peaceful about being surrounded by such calm water that it looks like glass. I love how God's beauty stares you in the face so hard that you want to stare right back and take it all in.

I hope Audrey will enjoy being on a boat and in water as much as I do. Some of my best memories growing up were on a boat. She seemed to have enjoyed her first trip we took this weekend. She fell sleep when we were speeding on the way out and on the way back in. We set up a "tent" for her to block her from the sun while she slept. She loves to sprawl out when she sleeps. Oh, and the adorable swimsuit came from Old Navy on sale for $8. Holla!

Vanilla wafers were a big hit among the cousins.

[Ohmygosh- are they not the cutest things ever? Seriously. My heart is melting at this very moment.]

Sporting the new Body Glove gear that Grandpa got them. It was a little big for Audrey, sort of swallows her up. But she enjoyed using it as a teether.
I just can't get enough of her. And yes, that is my new swimsuit from Old Navy- on sale for $24.50 total.

After a day at the lake on Saturday. We went and had a worship service at an overlook of the lake this morning. It was beautiful.
This is the life.

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