
You Capture: Emotion

The first thing I thought about when I found out emotions was the next You Capture- myself. I am totally emotional. Remember this post. Where I admitted I cry easily. And I can laugh like crazy and be totally goofy and serious and sad and well, you get the point. I am an emotional gal. But, duh, I wasn't going to snap a picture of myself. So who better to capture than my baby girl and sweet nephew?

Love my almost one-year old nephew's emotions while eating away at his icecream cone.

I love capturing Audrey's innocence and happiness. While at the pool this week (like the only day it hasn't rained), Audrey sported her new $4 "Kentucky Derby" hat from Gymboree. Aren't babies the coolest? I mean they don't have a care in the world. And trust totally on someone else for all their needs to be met.

Be sure to check out more emotion pictures over at I Should Be Folding Laundry.

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