It gets old talking about the weather. I know. It's something you bring up when you have nothing else to say or don't really know the person you are talking to.
Random Person 1: So, it's pretty rainy today?
Stranger:Yeah. It rained a lot.
Random Person 1: Yeah, I guess that's spring for ya.
But, know this, when I bring up the weather on here, it's not because of the same reasons. It's because, I live in Indiana and the weather is always weird and unpredictable and will go from 80 degrees one day to 45 the next.
Anyway, all of this crazy weather talk is because I'm ready to not have to layer my kiddos up. I love summer dresses and sweet little tanks and well, babies who sport only diapers.
Yesterday we went to the The Dam and local beach just to see how flooded everything was. While outside Audrey kept saying "let's go inside where it's warmer." She has her mama's genes, doesn't like the cold or anything close to it.
This is exactly what she looked like while saying it.
Audrey is wearing:
Jacket- Gap
Pink undershirt- H&M
Yellow top- vintage, she wore it as a
dress last summer
Jeggings- Target
Boots- gifted
Naomi turns 7 months today. I know, crazy right? I feel like just yesterday I was very
anxiously awaiting her arrival.
Naomi is wearing:
Purple top and bottoms: Appaman for Target (Love this brand, I wish they sold more of it.)
White undershirt: Children's Place
Leggings: Target
Socks: too small Trumpette
[See that hair around Naomi's ears? It's really long and awkward, and only around her ears, not the back of her head. So do I go ahead and cut it? It feels weird to have to cut my 7 months old hair, I mean, Audrey didn't get a trim until she was 22 months because I was saving every string of hair she had.]
And just for fun, here is what happened right after I snapped the picture above.
Audrey noticed Naomi spit up a little, so she took it upon herself to go get a dish towel and wipe it up. She is such a little mama. I love it.
As always, I'm linking up on Thursdays for
Small Style with Morgan over at Mama Loves Papa.