
small style {sisters}.

Have I mentioned how much I love having two girls? Their interaction right now melts.me.to.pieces. They are sisters. I love that. Naomi just laughs at her and takes all the headlocks hugs she gets from her big sister with stride and usually a giant smile. And they are fun to dress together and coordinate (but not matchy, matchy).

Naomi is wearing:

Red Peasant Top and Grey Shorts: Right Bank Babies, bought when Zulily was featuring the brand
Baby Leggings: Target
Shoes: Robeez
Hairclip: Me

Audrey is wearing:

Checkered Top: Right Bank Babies (I love the buttons up the back and the cropped style.)
Capri Jeans: Old Navy
Shoes: Nina, 6pm.com
Hairclip: Me

I've noticed that I have been doing so much more online shopping with two kids. It's just easier and I can usually find better deals. Great quality brands, for reasonable prices when you find the right site to buy from. Of course, Old Navy and Target still get me with the sale racks. Do you like to shop online?

I'm linking up with Morgan over at Mama Loves Papa for Small Style Thursday, go and say hi!


easter weekend.

Despite the very rainy weather we have had, Easter weekend was lovely. Filled with family, food, egg hunts, cute little girls dressed in classic clothes, and of course, celebrating the Risen King.

[I was going to save this post for Small Style on Thursday, but I just couldnt' wait to share what they wore for Easter.]

This year I didn't want to buy anything new for the girls for Easter. They both have a closest full of adorable dresses, some of which they haven't even worn yet! Both girls are wearing dresses that their Gamma bought them. I went with classic, simple Easter attire. Audrey is wearing an older Gymboree dress and Nina shoes I bought on clearance from 6pm.com. Naomi is wearing a Ralph Lauren dress, the cutest bloomers (that you can't really see--they have her initials on the tush that my good friend, Susan, bought for her), shoes that were Audrey's from Gymboree, and Audrey's baby bonnet from her first Easter.
I'm so thankful for the freedom to celebrate such an important historical event, the Resurrection that changed everything for us. For you and me.


small style {girl party}.

This morning Audrey woke up extra early. And of course, I was extra tired. But, once I threw on a vintage dress and added some lipstick I was ready for the day. We had an all girl spring/Easter party to put on. [I literally threw on the dress in two seconds flat, no shower, barely brushed hair, and no makeup except lipstick. And I will now thank instagram for hiding my flaws and tiredness.]
We set up a little indoor picnic area for Audrey and her friend, Ava to eat lunch. We made sugar cookies, decorated them, and dyed eggs. Here is Audrey's small style for the party...

(you can see the new color in the kitchen, and you can see that we still don't have trim up,
our home is always a work in progress)

dress- gifted, thrifted, and I can't remember the name, Audrey is napping in it right now
leggings- Old Navy
necklace-gifted, dress up jewelry
bracelet- etsy

Naomi had fun playing with Ava's sister, Clementine, who is only three months older. Here is Naomi's small style...

dress- Twirls and Twigs
white onsie- Gerber
leggings- H&M
socks- Old Navy
headband- me, Rosemary's Cuppa

Even though we didn't get out of the house or really plan to today, it was fun to get dressed up and have some great girl time with my friend, April and her littles.

And of course, I'm linking up with Morgan today over at Mama Loves Papa!

[P.S. You should go say hi to April, she is one strong mama with her husband going overseas for the next year with the army. This will be her husband's second tour. Also, she is a lover of all things vintage- like me!]


i don't have the energy to think of a clever title.

Sometimes you just got drop everything and go.

Miss Debbie Downer knocked on my door this morning. I was about to let her in. Then I decided that she wasn't welcomed, and I quickly gathered up the girls and left. Confession: She did come in for a short bit, but then I made her leave. [She thought she might pop in because it was rainy, cold, and my husband is now sick with a bad case of the flu after being out for five days from falling down the steps last week.]

We spent the day at the Children's Museum. It was well worth the two-and-a-half drive there and back. Especially the peaceful hour on the way up while the girls slept. I didn't even turn on music. I just drove in blissful silence.

I know you aren't surprised by now, but I forgot my camera at home. So iphone pictures it is [again].

This is my new-used double jogging stroller that I scored on Craigslist yesterday. And so far, I'm loving it. Grant it, I haven't actually ran with the thing yet, but today it maneuvered so well in the museum and fits nicely in our van. Also, it tickles me fancy to see the two interact when they are sitting next to each other in it.
Going on hour three of the museum. She is definitely at the "I shall not sleep as long as there is a party around me stage." But fortunately, she is usually still a pretty happy baby.
 Audrey is sporting her sister's tutu, a 6-12 month size. But she insists on wearing it. And so it goes.

Carousel riding. Always magical.

This was by far my favorite part. Watching Audrey in awe of the little dollhouse rooms. She thoroughly checked out each of the fifteen rooms.

 Pink phone. Need I say more?


a few {random} thoughts.

I just looked up my recent pictures on my camera and realized the last time I took a picture was five days ago. FIVE. That sort of sums up my life the last couple of days.

We have been doing. And going. And I've sort of been in survival mode. The hubster fell down our basement steps last Wednesday and today for the first time has gone back to work and been able to function for more than two hours. And now I wish I could sleep for three days straight. Or at least one night straight.

Confession: I bought salsibury steak for dinner tonight. You know the frozen, processed meat you can buy? The kind you looked forward to in elementary school because that meant it was roll and mashed potato day? Yeah, I bought that stuff. I'm tired and not in the mood to cook. [I also cooked many meals last week for other people, so this week I'm cutting myself some slack.] And if you feel like eating ice cream for dinner, I say go for it. Every once and awhile it's good to let go and just do. Right?

The weekend was good, exhausting, but good. We stayed out late on Saturday night and went bowling. Audrey thought it was totally awesome. And I thought it was totally awesome to watch her in all her happiness.

Yesterday I spent some time cleaning out my kitchen cabinets. And I realized I had spices that were six years old that I had never used. I was about to throw them out, but instead told Audrey to go at it. Make me some pizza or soup with it. So she did.

Also? Sunny days are like therapy to me. 

Happy Monday, friends.


unspoken words.

Have you told her lately thank you? Thank you for the many, many nights of of rocking/feeding/soothing me when I was a baby. Thank you for putting up with my hormonal-self during teen years. Thank you for just being there when I acted like I didn't need you, but I really did. I still do.

Have you told her lately that the small moments really did matter. The pudding dessert dishes that we anxiously awaited for till after dinner. The hot chocolate that heated on the wood burning stove while we played in the snow.

Have you treated her to her favorite dessert just because? Here's a pineapple shake, just because I love you.

Have you called her lately for just a simple hello? Hey, Jesus, could you tell her hi for me.

Have you hugged her or held her hand like when you were a child? I vividly remember holding your hand during church when I was little and examining all the creases in detail, and thought these are my mama's hands.

Have you provided a meal for her as a very small thank you for all the meals she provided you? Have a seat and don't get up. Let me serve you for once.

It will be five years tomorrow since the last exchange of words with my mom. She battled Breast Cancer for 4.5 years, and then went to be with Jesus on April 15, 2006.

Mother's Day 2005, the last Mother's Day we had with her

Please don't let your words remain unspoken.
In memory of my mom, I'm offering 25% off for ONE day on all items in my Etsy Shop, Rosemary's Cuppa, named after her. Just enter FIVEYEARS at check out. This deal starts TOMORROW and will run until midnight tomorrow. Also, if you have a second, please go and "like" Rosemary's Cuppa on Facebook.


the great hunt.

Have I mentioned it was absolutely gorgeous yesterday and got up to 85? [Today is 60 and rainy.]
And so an Easter egg hunt it was...

This year Audrey was much more willing to get close to the large, fake bunny, that kids are suppose to love, but really is just creepy. (Check out last year's pic here.)

This picture makes me feel guilty for not owning any pets.
Maybe I will go buy a Beta fish or something tomorrow.

The great hunt...Audrey wasn't about to walk away with her basket even half full.

And be warned, you may explode looking at Audrey and her cousin, Jonathan loving on each other.

Naomi was there, but she was mainly doing this.

Daddy's babywearing is THE best.

It was a good day. And now we have a lot of bribery candy on hand.



I don't know about the weather you are having, but here you can wake up and it will be 40 out and by evening it's 85. Which results in congestion and sniffles with my entire family. [Oh well, I will take it with the nice weather.]

It's Saturday night and I'm blogging. Last night I was sewing at this time. And the night before I was painting my living room. My life is wild, watch out.

I don't have a whole lot to say, except I hope you are having a lovely weekend. Soaking in good sunsets. Perhaps having picnics with your little ones. Throwing a softball around. Eating yummy desserts. And just making the small moments so big.

There's our happy baby. Last week she was teething, which was quite rough. But this week? Two teeth popped through on the bottom and she has been back to her cheery self (and sleeping again!).

And just so you know why I usually share more pictures of Naomi...this is me attempting to get one of Audrey.
Me: Audrey can you stop and smile for me. I want to take your picture.
Audrey: No, Mama. I'm reading my book. "Once upon a time there was a bootiful princess..." straight from the book Green Eggs and Ham.

Also, you can check out the mess everywhere or the new paint color on the walls--grey! It used to be a bluish color. And I'm loving the new color.  I plan to share more of the color makeover another day. Stay tuned!


small style. {vintage love}

Yesterday we spent a lot of time outside, and Audrey kept thinking the wind was going to blow her away. And both of the girls weren't quite sure what to think about the abundance of sunshine. It was so bright. [I'm not complaining. At all.]

I laid a vintage quilt on the grass to relax on, then proceeded to attempt some more pictures. (For Naomi's six month shots.) I think they turned out adorable, despite the sunshine that created some unwanted shadows and a lack of smiles because all they could do was squint at me. Ha!

Small Style: Naomi

hairclip- Rosemary's Cuppa (me)
dress-vintage, local antique mall for super cheap
shoes- Robeez, second-hand child's store, but brand new

Small Style: Audrey

Tunic/Dress- vintage apron I turned into a dress (It was really simple- I just cut the ties and sewed them on in a different spot, then added snap buttons to the front. The ruffles were already there.)
Shirt- Target
Leggings- Old Navy
Shoes- Umi
Bear Hairclips-Claire's

Of course, I'm linking up with Morgan, one of my favorite {internet} chica's around!


half a year.

I'm going to do it--sound all cliche. But really, where has the time gone? How is it she is already six months old today? This second time around, it really does go so much faster. [What's going to happen with number three, and perhaps number four, wowee.]

This morning I was all excited to get a little photo shoot set up and snap some pictures of this adorable chica, but I was only about six shots into it and my camera battery died. Not to mention I had a certain two year old who wouldn't stop touching her because she was so excited her sister was wearing a tutu. Mama, she has a pink tutu on. I love it! Five minutes after I take the tutu off of Naomi, Audrey walks into the kitchen with it on. [True story.]

So this is what I got so far, folks.

And if you can't already tell that they are sisters, here is a comparison shot. Audrey and Naomi both at six months, with the same tutu on, no doubt.

Tomorrow I plan on getting some shots in some sweet vintage pieces. But for now, I'm plum worn-out, I painted our entire kitchen/eat-in area today. Can't wait to share pictures later on! [Also, who says plum worn-out?]


this week.

I was going to save these pictures for Small Style on Thursday, but they were so cute, I couldn't wait.

(In case you were wondering: tunic-thrifted, pants- H&M, shoes-Umi*)

Yesterday, was such a beautiful day here. Warm enough for tank-tops and sandals. We grilled out steaks. And talked about how God made the sun and wind. We also got a lot of projects done on the house. And this week I have big plans to start painting. 

Other than that, we don't have a lot going on till the next busy weekend comes. I do plan on making a conscious effort to be less on the computer during the day (checking email, instagram, twitter, oh my, social media), and more time playing with Audrey and Naomi. I have some spring crafts I want to do together and make a dolhouse out of shoe boxes (the link is my cousin's blog, she is so crafty!). Oh, and Naomi will turn 6 months tomorrow-eek!

What is your week looking like? Or you can just tell me something that made you laugh over the weekend.

*I bought the Umi's from 6pm.com. They were on major clearance. In fact, I bought four pairs of shoes and some shorts from them (all on big sale). They had really fast shipping and great brand name stuff. The only downfall is---they don't do exchanges and you have to pay for shipping if you need to return. But I will definitely buy from them again. And no, I did not get paid to write this or get any credit. They have no idea I even wrote this. I just like sharing a good place to buy.


changing it up.

We have spent much of our weekend checking things off our to-do list on our little bungalow remodel. [Correction: My husband has spent the majority of his weekend checking things off his honey-do-list for our house.] All these little projects have gotten me motivated to change things up at home. We have only lived here for about a year and a half. But I'm already ready to change things up. Right now our living room, hallway, and kitchen is an awesome grand hotel blue (at least that is what it is called at Lowe's).

(This picture is a couple of months ago. I don't have empty frames up anymore.
And I have sold that coffee table.)

I like it, but I'm ready for change. And I'm thinking a light grey (Jumping on the bandwagon, I know.) I kind of want to erase color from the walls so I can decorate more with colors in accessories. Like yellow. I'm digging yellow and grey. Right now I have both- color on walls and accessories, and I think I'm getting color-overloaded. [I hope that makes sense.]

My style is also changing. It does this every couple of years. For a while now I have been into the vintage 50's look and some shabby chic mixed in. But I think I'm leaning towards more of an old danish style with a hint of Scandinavian, but still some 50's. [Wow.] In other words, I have an eclectic taste. I'm currently selling our dining room table, in hopes of getting one with more modern lines.

Good-bye table.
(Another picture that is a couple of months old- hence the fall leaves in the tins.)

Lastly, I think I need to find a place for this cast iron wall hanger.


[See, I'm corky, I like things that are made from iron and have deer antlers on them.]
Do you have any spring projects coming up? Also, share your wall colors- I'm curious!