Here is the love story...
I was at the Farmer's Market one morning and had Audrey in a Hotsling. I like it. It works. But I wanted something more. Something that she could possibly fall asleep in and something that my husband wouldn't mind wearing (this was the biggest reason). Plus, she is a good 20 lb. baby at 8 months, I needed more support.
So, after hearing rave reviews about The Ergo, I went to our local awesome baby shop, Barefoot, to check it out. I was quite hesitant to dish out 100 bucks considering we are, um, broke. But, I tried it out in the store. And Audrey LOVED it. And since then, she has been in it just about every day at some point. It is super easy to put on- I wanted something that I didn't have to tie around myself fifty times and I could do quickly without assistance.

There are some cool features on it that I haven't found on other carriers. Like the zip pocket for keys and cell phone and other such things. And it has this cool thing-a-ma-gig that comes over the babies head when she is sleeping or needs extra support for when she is little. And did I mention you can wear it three different ways. On the front, back and even on the hip. And it goes up to 40lbs.