

I can't seem to shake something I saw on Pinterest a few weeks ago. The funny thing is, I didn't even repin it, so I can't quote it word for word. But I remember the core value of the statement--your children won't do what you say, but do what you do.


If I"m not walking the walking, I can't tell them to.

What do I truly desire for my children? To have Jesus on their hearts. The Holy Spirit living, breathing through them. To understand The Story is apart of their story. We don't have to fully understand The Story, but that is where faith steps in. To understand and accept grace. To live a life of joy that is connected with serving and giving.

These thoughts are constantly running through my head. And it goes directly back to what am I doing? Am I serving? Am I giving? Am I living a life filled with the joy of Jesus? This internal conversation in my head is pulling me in all sorts of direction. I'm getting frustrated with myself--like I'm not cut out for this job.  I see myself fail over and over.

But then, hello. GRACE.

I'm so glad I can be broken and loved. Not perfect and forgiven.

Then I'm reminded that my children will see Him through me. See His grace for me. For them.

Not sure if any of this makes sense. I just wrote and hit published.

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