
diy birthday gift for the kiddos.

I have a love-hate relationship with Pinterest. There are some pretty things are there that inspire me by words, or in decorating my home, or what to cook. It's been handy to find a craft for the kiddos to do. But sometimes I get rather overwhelmed and the "am I doing enough?" feeling comes into play. That's when I close it up and stay off Pinterest for a couple of days.

Recently, though, I have opened it back up to find some yummy recipes and great activities for the girls. One of the easiest and fun things to do is make homemade play-dough using this recipe. The girls enjoy the mixing then of course the playing right afterwards. Yesterday we made a double batch so we could give some as a gift for my nephew who turned four.

To store the play dough in, I bought some small mason jars and took to another Pinterest idea. [Although I never actually pinned the idea.] I had everything else I needed---super glue, little plastic animals, and spray paint. I super glued the animals onto the lids, let it dry overnight and the next day put a couple of coats of spray paint on the lids.

And ta-dah!

The little gift turned out like this:

Pretty cute, huh? I'm thinking this might become the year of play-dough and cute containers for gift-giving. 

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