
three months.

Buster Boo/Lincoln Loo, our little Linc is three months already. Which is crazy to me, because hello, he isn't a newborn now. But I keep calling him one. He is still next to us in our room in our co-sleeper at night. I still hold him for almost every (20 minute) nap he has. We nap/lay together in the afternoon while the girls are napping. It's my favorite time--nursing and napping with him. He did his first belly laugh on Friday and I caught it on video. I've watched it no less than 50 times.

He is our last baby, can you tell?

I'm not sure what he weighs at three months. But I do know his 3-6 months clothes don't fit anymore. Let's take a peek at his growin' over the last three months, shall we? 

freshly baked...

He's kind of a stud, no? Now your Sunday is complete. 
[What can I say, I have no shame in sharing his cuteness.]

Hope your week is filled with many joyful moments!

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