

[I'm going to pretend like it hasn't been almost three weeks since I last wrote here. Because if I think too much about it, I may never blog again. And I don't like that idea. I like this little space of mine. So, I'm just going to write as if no time has passed like two best friends seeing each other again after a long holiday.]

This past weekend we did two of my very favorite holiday traditions that have been going on since I was a wee one. We went to our downtown lighting on Friday. The weather was just right, we didn't even have to bundle up like years past. It truly is a magical moment when our town counts down and the lights pop on. Also, having kiddos make events like this that.much.cooler.

Despite the rain, today we decided to get our Christmas tree. I absolutely love our tree farm we go to every year. While the tree is getting trimmed and ready, we go in a little log cabin and have free cocoa and popcorn and buy an ornament. We sort of cheated this year and just picked a Fraser Fir already cut because we didn't want to walk around in the rain.

Two years ago Audrey wore that exact same hat, coat, and boots. Growing babies, gah.

[You can see last year's adventure to the tree farm here.]

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