

It's raining today. All day. I made it a goal to keep the kiddos in their footie pajamas as long as possible. They are currently taking their afternoon nap in them, so far so good. I took them out of the house today just so I could go to Starbucks and buy one of my favs--peppermint white chocolate mocha (decaf, nonfat). I have multiple Starbucks giftcards in my wallet. This makes me very, very happy.

This morning Audrey and I made a "thankful tree." (Took the idea from my cousin.) I cut out the tree, branches, and leaves. But she did the gluing and coloring. She also traced the words "Give Thanks." She is kind of an awesome tracer, I must say.  We are doing a "thankful" leaf for each day. We had to catch up and do three today. I asked her what she was thankful God gave us. She said clouds, trees, and scissors. I agree. She even drew a little picture of each thing under the word.

I've started to listen to Christmas music. Mainly while I'm driving. On Tuesday I had a "day-off" for my birthday present from Andrew and while I was browsing Target {alone} I decided to jump on the band-wagon and buy the She & Him Christmas Album. I'm glad I did, it's light and airy and not-too over the top Christmas-y. I do have a personal rule not to put up any Christmas decor till the day after Thanksgiving. In fact, I love having the fall colors up around the house still and celebrating Thanksgiving in it's full.

And just because this picture cracks me. It's like a window into a real life moment.

Also, I have been lacking on comment response. But I plan to catch up! Thank you to those who take the time to leave a comment, I definitely read it and even think about the sweet words throughout the day! xoxo

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