
a purple box.

For Easter I asked my dad to make Audrey a sandbox. I asked him like three days before Easter, not thinking he would actually do it or that I expected him to. I pictured in my head a square, unpainted box. By Easter he already had the box made and it was painted purple. It looked perfect to me already. But he wasn't done. He spent the next month making sure it was just right for his little granddaughter(s).

Last week, Audrey got her sandbox. It is a beautiful lilac purple, with four seats, and a custom lid with handles to go on top. And? My dad (who is super duper handy, but I wouldn't exactly consider artistic) painted "Audrey" and "Naomi" on it with a flower in the middle. Seriously. It is so sweet. And Audrey just loves it.

I'm so thankful for my dad and him being Audrey's Gramps. And if my mom was here, she would just be eating this up. Oh my. She would.

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