
I'm borrowing my husband's computer.

I can't take it much longer. This no computer thing. At first it wasn't too bad. It was actually sort of nice to break away. But in the last couple of days I have really missed blogging. Does that sound weird? It may. I don't know. I have realized how I use my blogging time to release and recap so many great small moments. And I like that. Now over two weeks have passed and my brain is full. And I don't know where to begin. So much happens in two weeks. Really.

In this two weeks of absence I have surpassed the half way point in this pregnancy. Whoa. Tomorrow I will be 21 weeks done. Again. Whoa.

Here I am 20 weeks. [Wish I could share and compare a picture from Audrey's pregnancy, but all those pictures are on my laptop which is getting fixed right now. Which brings me to the title of this post: I'm borrowing my husband's computer. He had to pack it up and bring it home from work just for me.]

I'm at a good point in this pregnancy. No sickness. {Yay! Yay! Yay!} I have a belly, which means I get the hey look, she is pregnant look instead of the hey look, IS she pregnant look? or I get the oh, she looks young for having a little girl and another one on the way look. (These are my favorite looks. I just smile super big.) I don't take a nap every day anymore. In fact, some nesting has kicked in. I have LOTS of projects in my head that I still need to get done. I can still paint my toes and shave my legs. My ankles aren't swollen yet to create those lovely cankles I get. My favorite part about this stage though, is feeling little Naomi move. She doesn't seem as active as Audrey was, but she definitely lets me know she is there. She must be easy going, right? At least, that's what I'm telling myself.

And on another very happy-related to pregnancy note. My friend, April, threw me a beautiful diaper shower yesterday. (I got a shower for my second baby. I know that is not common. It made me feel super special to have close friends and family there.) I received lots of wonderful cloth diapers (as I plan to cloth diaper the second one as well) and some disposable ones. Because I definitely have those lazy days that I don't do it and I don't plan on cloth diapering till Naomi is about two months. It was just a lovely day and I hope to share about it soon.

And now, while I hold Andrew's computer hostage, I'm going to try to get some posts ready for the rest of week. Because I have to empty this brain of mine.

{And thank you, friends, that have stuck around, or even come back to check daily to see if I was here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.}

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