
I Wonder How Many Adults Still Dress Up For Halloween.

5 years ago we started a tradition with our friends to have a themed-Halloween party each year. It's pretty much an excuse for adults to get dressed up together and look utterly ridiculous. But it's so fun. The costumes are hand-made for the most part- usually coming from our parents closest or a Goodwill find.

We each bring a dish to share. And then we eat. A LOT. Laugh. Drink wine. And vote on the best costume for that year.

This year, the theme was service jobs. Being that we have been overly busy with moving and remodeling our new home, I didn't had a lot of time to think about our costume. But I did manage to pull something together the day of the party. We went as (drumroll please)...
Lakeview Lions Lunch Servers. I mean, who didn't love Wednesday lunches at your elementary school? You know, salisbury steak and roll day. Delish. So I thought back to my awesome lunch servers and came up with some outfits. Complete with trays of food and some life-size peas to go along with it (aka Audrey).

[Please note: I am rather embarrassed of this hilarious costume. We look like complete dorks. I even rolled my socks. I assure it is the costumes fault, no one looks good in a hair net. Right?]
In 2008 the theme was going to be food. For a year I had planned that if I got pregnant, then I wanted to go as a pea in a pod. I was going to paint my belly green. Sure enough, I got pregnant and was even due right after Halloween (Nov. 2). I bought a green dress months in advance. Party was scheduled for Oct. 18. It was set early, in case I went into labor early. The party never came that year, because, Audrey decided she would make her appearance on October 18.

2007 the theme was cartoon characters. Andrew told me I had to take it easy since the previous year he was practically in tights. We went as The Jetsons. I thought we pulled it off rather well. (The purple dress I am wearing used to be gigantic and long before I cut it and sewed it).

2006 was my favorite year yet as far as costumes go. The theme was movies. Inspired by one of the best Christmas movies ever, Elf, we went as Buddy and Jovie. I even went as far as to dye Andrew's long-john's yellow and detail yellow snowflakes on his jacket.

2005 was our first annual Halloween party. We actually didn't have a theme, so we went as ahem, Jed Clampett and Elly May Clampett. Ever since I married into the "Clampitt" family, I had to take on the jokes. So, for Halloween we decided to embrace the jokes and go as the "Clampet's."

So, do you dress up for Halloween? What has been your favorite costume of the past?

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