
today {she is} two.

My sweet Audrey Rose is two. [I have a two year old. I have a two year old. I have a two year old. I have to keep telling myself this, because, seriously, I can't believe it.]

We celebrated over the weekend with a tea party in our backyard. The weather was gorgeous. The food was plenty (thanks to friends and family who helped so I didn't have to make hardly any of it, except for the 48 cupcakes). The company was the best. We tried to make the party small, but when you come from a large family and marry into a large family, parties don't come in small size. And with all of Audrey's little friends we had around 45 people there. But you know what? It didn't feel huge. It felt just right, because we were surrounded by so much love.

It was a good day, a very good day.

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