
small style.

Hi ya, friends! I didn't mean to be m.i.a for the last couple of days but between mickey mouse pancake making, rock painting, house show cleaning, traveling about 13 hours over the weekend, work meetings, and the usual beauty shop play, the days have been pretty jammed packed. I must say, though, I'm so excited that it is September. I loooooove the fall. And although it's not technically fall yet, I always go out and buy a nice smelly fall candle on the first of September, and today will be no exception. Oh, and I can't wait to buy mums. [A very sweet reminder of my mama. Oh, how she loved those flowers.]

I'm happy to say, I'm back, linking up with the lovely Morgan over at Mama Loves Papa for Small Style Thursday. Audrey has entered the I'm going to dress how I want stage, which I didn't think started till way later, but apparently two is the new ten. Somedays it's a Snow White costume or a towel on her head as Rapunzel's hair. [Not even kidding. Like a hooded baby towel. She will wear it everywhere too. Like she owns the place in it.] Almost every morning the first thing she wants to do is go to her closest and pick out a dress [she has a lot of dresses, but it is usually one of the four chosen ones.] But yesterday, watch out folks, I had a teeny tiny say in her outfit. Like, I talked her into leggings instead of a dress.

Audrey is wearing:
Jean vest: thrifted
Shirt: H&M
Leggings: Gap
Shoes: TOMS
Hairclip: Zuzii via Etsy

This past week, Naomi got a very early first birthday present in the mail, and I couldn't resist giving it to her. Check out her left arm. See that sweet little bracelet? Audrey received one for her first birthday and now it was Naomi's turn. It is engraved with Naomi Fae, and has a pearl bead on it. Audrey still wears hers, hasn't taken it off for, ahem, almost two years. Talk about high quality! I bought Naomi's from the same store as Audrey's, called Sophie's Closest on Etsy. I wasn't paid or compensated to write about this little store, but I love the bracelets, so I wanted to share.

 Naomi is wearing:
Shirt: hand-me-down from Audrey, Old Navy (Don't you just love the lace on the sleeves?!)
Leggings: Misha Lulu
Hair Clip: Zuzii
Big Tush:  BumGenius Cloth Diapers

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