
his redemption song.

Exactly one week ago, almost to the minute, we were told by our fabulous doctor, Dr. West, that the surgery to remove Naomi's tumor couldn't have gone better. God heard our cries and He did a miracle. He had His hand on Naomi. In that white stark sterile room, on the hands of extremely gifted surgeons and nurses as they guided around the mass attached to Naomi's lung. He had his hands wrapped around me as we worshipped Him two floors above Naomi in the hospital. I'm so incredibly grateful that He answered our prayers the way I hoped, in the way I had peace about it, that came from Him. But the thing is, no matter the outcome of yesterday, today, or tomorrow, His hands are on me. On Naomi. On Audrey. On Lincoln. On my husband. On each and every one of us. His wings are spread to bring comfort to those in Oklahoma right now. This world is full of devastation and things out of our control. But His promise remains true. One day, one day everything will be made new again. His redemption song will be loud and clear.

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those that love him. James 1:12

No one except Christ alone is invincible. We aren't protected from tragedy and death and cancer and natural disasters and evil as long as we are on earth. Sometimes we face trials that just seem to have no end in sight. Years of treatment. My mom went through 4.5 years of chemo and radiation treatment for her Breast Cancer, while trying to raise six kids with my dad. And in the end, God chose to take her home, to heal her body completely, so she may dance in heaven until we meet again.

Beauty rises from the ashes.

I will continue to pray for the broken-hearted and will continue to rejoice, dance, and sing in His Redemption Song. Holding steady to the confidence in what is to come. One day.

{We are a singing, dancing family. No doubt. Naomi today, just before nap.
 Girlfriend is healing fabulously from the surgery.}

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