
happy heart.

Happy Monday, friends! I spent a nice weekend just relaxing with my family, after my husband had a 96 hour work week (not even exaggerating, I wish I was). I also spent a lot of precious time looking up online swimsuits and sandals. Filling my cart and then emptying it. I have a (sad) tendency of doing this. [Have you ever checked out or ordered from 6pm? They seem to have a lot of great shoes on clearance for kids. I just haven't made a purchase from there yet.] I'm just craving warm weather so I pretended I needed to buy sandals and swimsuits.

I have also been eyeing some prints on etsy. I want a new print to hang above our mantel shelf.

I'm thinking one of these. (Click on the picture for source.)

Pretend online retail shopping is so fun. Do you have anything you have been eyeing lately?

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