
oh, hey.

I just wrote an entire paragraph and erased it. Because I feel like it was just blah blah blah. Life. I'm trying to find a balance right now with things. Especially with my Etsy shop. Things have been going well with it (thank you to those who have made a purchase and supported it-yay!), but I didn't realize how consuming it can be. When ever the kiddos nap or go to bed, I'm usually in my room sewing, and thus not blogging or cleaning the [very messy] house.

I also have been totally distracted by my iphone, in the sense that I haven't picked up my real camera in like a week. Ahhhhhh. I love instragram (are you a part of it?  find me under Better Than Cupcakes) and capturing the little moments of the day. Like these.

Double Level Carousel
Daddy Daughter
Having family over to fill every chair
Me- rocking a vintage hat, going thrifting

[Tomorrow I think I'm going to do a What I Wore post (inspired by Morgan), that includes the outfit I wore with that vintage hat.]

Over the weekend we traveled a few hours away to visit my sister and brother-in-law. And I would have to say one of my favorite moments was pulling over on the interstate, whipping out the potty chair, and having Audrey go. On a 3.5 hour drive with not a gas station nearby, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?

Alright, folks, my Mrs. Meyers Clean Candles are lit, and I must go clean this dirty house of mine. I'm the kind of person that keeps things pretty tidy each day, but as far as cleaning, I wait till I can see the dirt. And well, it is loud and clear. The babies are napping and I'm putting on my pink gloves and apron. Tootaloo.

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