
Let Me Share My Deal.

As you know from my previous post on diapers. I have made the switch from Happy Heinys to Bum Genius. I sold my HH on craigslist in one day! Woop Woop! I went and purchased a Bum Genius locally yeterday. Tried it today. Audrey had it on for 3.5 hours (not intentionally) and no leakage! Super pumped about that. So, I have been looking online all the different places I can purchase BG. I went to places such as Kellys Closest, Amazon, Cottonbabies, etc. All of which are great places to go. However, I was truly looking for the best deal. I was wanting to avoid having to buy a large bulk in order to receeive any discount or spending like $100 for free shipping (and I hate having to pay for shipping on anything). And I ended up at Diapers.com. If I spent only $49, I got free shipping and because I was a new customer I received a whopping $10 off my order. Which I thought was great for cloth diapers. I purchased three, lovely, Bum Genius, for only $43.85. Which makes them only $14.62 a piece, opposed to $17.95 regular price. Not to mention they will be shipped to me on Monday! Oh, AND they sell more than just cloth diapers, so you can use this deal on lots of other things. If it is your first time shopping at Diapers.com, just enter the code: AACL7639 at checkout. And you too, can receive free shipping and $10 off a purchase of $49 or more.

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