
diaper and wipe clutch.

I'm still nesting. But I can feel myself slow down a tad. I'm trying to get all these crazy projects done that are in my head before I just want to crash before the baby comes. Have I mentioned I only have about three months left? I'm wondering how much bigger I am going to get, because the belly is so there.

Anyway, back to nesting. I got out my sewing machine the other night. And made a diaper and wipe clutch. I was inspired by my own diaper clutch that I received as a gift when Audrey was born (thanks, Sooze!). It is basically a small bag that holds a couple of diapers and travel-size wipe case. It is perfect for your purse/diaper bag to help you stay organized. Well, I wanted to make one of these handy things for my friend who is about to have a baby any day now.

So out of some vintage fabric napkins (three to be exact) I made this bag:

[Side note: In case you are wondering, I consider myself a novice sewer. I don't use patterns or make templates. I may have had my sewing machine for say, 8 years or so, but sadly, I am still a beginner. Whew. I'm glad to admit that.]

I already gave my friend the bag. I was going to wait and give it to her as a "hospital" gift, but I was tempted to keep it for myself so I had to get rid of it fast too excited about it.

I also ended up making a couple of more. Some I'm going to sell at the Art Fair in November and some I'm going to give away as gifts for all my lovely friends having babies soon.

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