
and so. i'm trying.

I started the New Year with a positive outlook. Like, watch out winter I'm going to kick your butt and actually enjoy it. Low and behold, it's only January 10th, and I'm already over this cold. I have 50 projects on our house that I want to complete, but most of them involve being outside for some reason or another. Or at least the windows open. [I still want to paint my entire house a light storm grey. Oh, and you like how I added the word storm, I thought it made it me sound more like a cool interior designer or something.]

So after faking it for about a week, this dumb winter got the best of me and I started to get all woe is me. I even told my husband that I sometimes I wish I had a full-term job so I could clock in and out. And that I wished I could get away by myself for a day. And right when the words rolled off my tongue, I knew it wasn't true.

Because, oh my, am I ever grateful for my life. But, I'm also human and sometimes think the grass is always greener on the otherside. See, I'm sort of struggling with this whole stay-at-home-mom gig. I know it's the right job for me right now, but there is no monetary rewards for this type of business. [Because the rewards are much, much greater.]  And sometimes I feel like I should be contributing with dollar and cents, you know. Also, who ever coined the term stay-at-home-mom? I think we need to kick that to the curb, and just be work-at-home-moms, whether it's with your kids or on a computer or what not. We all are working, aren't we? Doing the best we can.

And so, after a woe is me weekend, today I'm choosing joy. This morning, while eating breakfast with Audrey, we read from the Bible (Psalms and Proverbs). Audrey kept asking me to read more. I pray that her heart thirsts for His Word as she gets older. Also? When I opened the egg carton there was scripture on the inside. Have you ever noticed that?! [You know you want to check your egg carton now.] It was an awesome way to start my day. I needed that reminder. This is the day which the Lord has made.

Switching gears.

[Apparently I'm horrible with transitions.] I am still consciously working on my goals. I managed to get my cover for my sewing machine finished. Which took a week to complete, even though it should have took like an hour. [It's sort of embarrassing if you knew how I made it.] At least my sewing machine looks pretty sitting on my desk.

I made it from an old pillowcase I had on hand, a vintage doily and a vintage lace collar--stained those with coffee. [My unfinished cup of coffee was sitting out, I had the doily and collar and thought hey I will see what happens if I let it soak in my coffee. And it worked. True story.] And some buttons sewn on to add a little bit of color. 

Oh, to those who are curious, I bought the cross-stitch embroidery pattern, Filled with Love. [See how much I know, I thought it was cross-stitch and it wasn't.] You all encouraged me to try it. So I am. Now it's just the matter of time of me getting the actual supplies I need to complete it.

So, here's to a week of goaling reaching and choosing joy. Happy Monday, friends.

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