
two months.

My little Naomi is two months young today. And sounding so cliche, I really can't believe it.

[That's just a sticker on her shirt- one of the coolest things eva, I think. My friend, Kylie, got her a 12 month set off of Etsy. Now you know, you wanna go look some up on one of my favorite places to shop.]

My Dearest Naomi Fae,

You fit so nicely into our family. Like the cream between two Oreo cookies. And yes, I want to eat you up all day long. You are getting so big, tiny little rolls are starting to form on your thighs. Oh boy girl, do I love them. You are becoming so alert, following voices. Sometimes I can get you to smile when I blow rasberries at you. You have come to accept your carseat and do okay in it now. Of course, you prefer for me to have you close and wear you. You are my easy going baby. But you do still have your fussy time, in the evening. But you know what? I'm okay with that, because once you go to sleep, you sleep all night, like anywhere between seven and nine hours. Then a quick nurse and sleep for another three. It amazes me. You amaze me. I love you from your head to your toes and everything in between.

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